How to test a relay? Every car on the road today contains a number of relays. It’s a broad name for a switch…
That sinking feeling at the pit of your heart is only really applicable to a few dreadful and nightmarish scenarios. That sensation when…
Have you noticed how your headlights are getting foggy and the light that comes from the bulbs has a hard time shining through…
Electrical System and Electronics
Brake Light Not Working But Tail Light Works – Why Is This The Case?
Are you having a problem with your brake lights? Your brake light not working but tail light works perfectly well? If that is…
Car problems are something that we all have to deal with at some time in our lives. Sometimes they are small issues, but…
A car battery light on the problem is frequently misunderstood. In an ideal world, this would just indicate a battery problem, right? But…
The purpose of a vehicle’s headlights is to brighten the road when driving at night and to increase visibility while driving during the…
Have you noticed how the blinker blinking fast? This is a strange situation since the blinker needs to blink at the same pace…
Detailing and Car Care
How To Fix Foggy Headlights: Clean, Restore, Repair A Headlight
by Alex Turnerby Alex TurnerDiagnose and Fix Foggy Headlights What Causes Foggy Headlights Cleaning and Polishing Foggy Headlights Replacing Foggy Headlights with New Ones Choose the Right…