Home Diagnosis and TroubleshootingElectric Vehicles How Long Does It Take To Charge A Tesla – What Is The Waiting Time?

How Long Does It Take To Charge A Tesla – What Is The Waiting Time?

by Jordan Harris
How Long Does It Take To Charge A Tesla

Have you ever wondered how long does it take to charge a Tesla? What are the charging times of an EV and what you can expect to pay when it comes to this aspect? Well, if that is the case, then you are at the right place because there will be a lot to cover on this topic.

Doing the proper research before you go out there on the market and learning more about the product before you splash the cash is an excellent idea. Especially when it comes to electric vehicles. Electric vehicles are not always that practical when it comes to charging. So, it is worth noting that you will face some difficulties. Why I’m saying this?

Well, I’m saying this because it is true. When you have an electric car you should know that this is not like filling a full tank of gas in 5 minutes. EV charging takes time. And a lot of time in some cases, especially if you don’t have a supercharger around you.

This is why you need to learn how long does it take to charge a Tesla. But first, we will cover Tesla and its models. Then we will learn more about the Tesla battery capacity (not to mention, how much is a Tesla battery) and EV charging basics. Later on, we will discuss how long does it take to charge a Tesla and the costs involved in charging this type of EV. So, let’s get into it.

What Is A Tesla?

Now before we start discussing how long does it take to charge a Tesla, let’s first learn some of the basics. I bet that there are a ton of people reading this article who are not into cars and want to learn something interesting and familiarize themselves with this company. So, what is a Tesla?

Well, Tesla is one of the biggest companies that is producing electric vehicles right now. If not the biggest car company when it comes to overall value. But does this mean that they are building good cars? For more insight, you can also check out our review on how reliable are Teslas.

Of course, they do, especially if you are an EV guy who wants to experience the future, they are one of the best options out there. Even though the market when it comes to these vehicles is starting to be a little bit suffocated let’s say.

How Long Does It Take To Charge A Tesla

There are a ton of electric cars that are sold nowadays. Tesla has started a true revolution in this market with their Model S that they have released in 2012. And since then, they have introduced a number of different models that we are going to cover next.

The important thing that you need to know when it comes to Tesla is that their chairman is Elon Musk. He acts as the CEO of this company and basically, most of the success of Tesla is often attributed to him.

People like him and his approach to things. So, they don’t have a hard time when deciding to purchase an electric vehicle that his company produces.

Tesla is present all over the world right now and not only in America. So, getting a Tesla product has never been easier. But how long does it take to charge a Tesla? More on this in a bit.

Tesla Models

Now let’s cover the Tesla models that are available out there. Knowing the models will help you understand how long does it take to charge a Tesla. So, let’s cover the models briefly before we learn more about EV charging in general.

Model 3 – The first model that you should be aware of is the Tesla Model 3. The Model 3 is the smallest out of the bunch. This is a compact sedan that was introduced in 2017. This model basically made Tesla not only a toy dedicated to the rich kids.

This model is quite affordable and available for most people’s budgets.

Model Y – The next model that we would like to cover is the Tesla Model Y. This model is based on Model 3 and it shares a lot of componentry with it.

The Model Y is the most recent out of the few models which were released in 2019 and the deliveries of this model have started in 2020.

Model X – The third model that we are going to cover is the Model X. The Model X is kinda special and probably the most attractive of all of the models.

The Model X is a compact crossover SUV that has a special feature which is known as Falcon doors. The rear doors when opened quite resemble falcon wings. This model is really roomy and can fit up to 7 passengers.

Model SThe Model S is the first mass-produced Tesla. This luxury sedan was released in 2012 and is still produced to this day. This model is probably one of the models that most people associate Tesla with. But how long does it take to charge a Tesla? More on that in a bit.

Tesla Battery Capacity

Now before we start learning how long does it take to charge a Tesla, let’s take a look at the battery capacity. How big of a battery does a Tesla have? And how many miles you can drive with a single charge? Let’s explain.

We will start with Model 3. This model comes with three different batteries. The Standard Range, Standard Range Plus, and the Long Range.

The Standard Range has either 54 or 62 kWh, these two batteries have a range of 220 miles. Meanwhile, the Standard Range Plus has a 75 kWh battery that will be good for 262 miles, and last but not least is the 82 kWh that will take you up to 353 miles.

On the model S there were many batteries in the past, starting from 60 kWh and up to 90 kWh. All of which were discontinued. Their range starts from 250 miles and up to 294 miles. Nowadays the Model S is running a 100 kWh battery that will give you a range between 350 and 402 miles.

On the Model X is the same story as with the Model S. You only get a 100 kWh battery (for more insight, head over to our explainer on how many kWh to charge a Tesla) that is good for about 350 miles.

And last is the Model Y which has a 75 kWh battery that has a range of 244 miles. But how long does it take to charge a Tesla? Well, more on this we are going to cover in a bit.

EV Charging Basics

When it comes to learning how long does it take to charge a Tesla, it is worth noting that the charging time really depends on the charger that you are using.

This is why you should be aware of the basics when it comes to EV charging. You need to understand at first that the charging of an electric vehicle really depends on the type of charger that you are using.

The second thing is that you need to beware that charging takes time, no matter if you use the fastest charger out there, you will still have to wait until the car is completely charged up with juice.

The third thing is that whenever you drive a Tesla, it means that it has a special connector. You cannot charge a Tesla on any other fast charger than a Tesla supercharger unless you have an adapter that is mounted on the charging connector. And then this connector is connected to the car.

How Long Does It Take To Charge A Tesla

And the last thing that you need to know when it comes to the charging basics is the cost. Charging is not free. You will have to pay a fee in order to charge your car. The fee might vary a lot from where you live and at what time of the day you are charging your car.

But the cost usually goes around $0.30 per kWh. So, if you have a 100 kWh battery, you will have to pay about $30 for charging the battery to 100%. But in most cases, it is lower than this.

But for now, before we dive deeper into how long does it take to charge a Tesla, let’s learn the charger types. So, follow along.

Charger Types

Now let’s get to business and learn more about the charger types before we dive into more complex topics and learn how long does it take to charge a Tesla. Why is this important?

Well, this is important because the charger type basically determines how fast your charging will be. Since not all chargers are the same and some charge faster than others. So, let’s cover all of the different types of charging in the following chapters.

Level 1

The first type of charging that we are going to cover before we learn how long does it take to charge a Tesla is the level 1 charging. So, what is a level 1 charging?

Well, level 1 charging is probably the most basic way of charging the battery. When you purchase a car, you get a wall charger with it (to learn more, check out our guide on how to charge Tesla at home and how to charge a Tesla at home).

This Tesla mobile charger simply works in the same manner as when you plug in your phone or your laptop to the wall connector and leave the car to charge.

How Long Does It Take To Charge A Tesla

The standard outlet that you get is a NEMA 5-15. This outlet has 120 volts and if you connect your charger to this type of outlet, you can expect to get 2 to 3 miles per hour of charging. A really miserable number, to be honest, and if you want to charge your car with this way of charging, you will spend your whole life waiting.

So, you definitely want to avoid using the NEMA 5-15 and install something better. More precisely the NEMA 14-50. This connector is much more capable and will deliver 240 volts with no problem.

With this type of charging, you can get up to 20 miles per hour with your standard charger. But when it comes to this you can also go level up. And that’s what we are going to cover before we learn how long does it take to charge a Tesla.

Level 2

The next type of charging when it comes to an electric vehicle that we are going to cover before we learn how long does it take to charge a Tesla is the level 2 charger.

Level 2 as its name implies is a level above the standard charger that you get with the car. When it comes to Tesla vehicles this type of charger is also known as the Tesla home charger or Wall Connector.

You can basically purchase this Wall Connector from Tesla’s website. And you can get it for a really good deal.

But this type of wall connector needs to be installed by a professional. This means that you cannot just plug it and call it a day. Things are much more complex when it comes to installing this component in your garage.

What is worth noting is that installation of this charger can cost between $750 and $1500 as per Tesla’s website. But if you find an electrician that will give you a good deal, you can get this work even cheaper.

What is good with this charger is that if you used it at maximum power, you can get more than 40 miles per one hour of charging. And if you are asking me, this charger is a perfect investment if you own a Tesla and you have a garage. But how long does it take to charge a Tesla? We will get to that in a bit after we cover the last type of charger.

Level 3

And the last type of charging that we are going to cover before we learn more about how long does it take to charge a Tesla is the level 3 charging.

This is also known as DC charging or supercharging. This is how Tesla is marketing their chargers, simply as superchargers.

What is good with the superchargers is that they are the most convenient way to charge your Tesla. But what is bad is that these chargers are not always in reach.

This means that you need to drive a long time before you reach a supercharger and if you are low on electricity, your car could stop before even reaching one of these superchargers.

This is why we recommend you always study the network of superchargers in your area. By knowing where they are located, you will be able to reach them before the battery gets empty. But sometimes these superchargers can nowhere to be found in certain areas, you will need to rely on your wall charger if you want to charge your car.

When it comes to superchargers, they will charge the car quite rapidly and also, they are really cheap. But how long does it take to charge a Tesla? Well, more on that we are going to elaborate on in the following chapter.

How Long Does It Take To Charge A Tesla

So, how long does it take to charge a Tesla, or in other words what is the Tesla charging time for its various models? Let’s elaborate in this chapter more in detail.

The charging time really depends on the battery size that you have. If you have a 60 kWh, you can expect that you will be able to charge it up much quicker than a 100 kWh battery for example.

Let’s begin with the level 1 charger, the most basic charger that comes with the car. This charger will give you 3 miles per single hour of charging. So, do the math and you can expect that a 100kWh battery will be charged in 300 hours. And that’s a lot of time.

On the other hand, if you use the more capable NEMA 14-50 charger with 240 volts or the Wall Connector, you can expect from 20 to 40 miles per single hour of charge depending on the charger you are using.

We recommend the Wall Connector for the most miles. With this charger, you will be able to charge your car in less than 8 hours, or about 9 hours if you have the extended range models.

And the last type of charging that is important for you is the supercharger. The supercharger is a different kind of beast.

This charger is the most powerful because it has double the charging capacity of the Wall Connector. About 480 volts to be more precise. And this type of charger will work the best from 20% to 80%.

Charging the battery from 20% to 80% will take no longer than half an hour on all models. So, we hope that we answered the question of how long does it take to charge a Tesla.

Tesla Supercharger Cost

So, we learned how long does it take to charge a Tesla and we concluded that the Tesla supercharger is one of the quickest ways to charge, delivering 60% juice in half an hour. But what is the cost of using this charger? What is the Tesla charging rates? Let’s discuss.

When it comes to charging costs, we can say that charging a Tesla average costs about $0.30 per kWh. So, if you charge a 100 kWh battery with this charger from zero to 100%, you can expect to pay about $30. Which is dirt cheap if you are asking me.

But there are also places that can deliver charging rates between $0.10 to $0.30. And one of these places is ChargePoint, you can charge your Tesla to one of their chargers if you have a special adapter. But overall, the cost of using superchargers at least for now is pretty low across the country.

Tesla Free Supercharging

When it comes to free supercharging, you have probably heard this. And actually, this is the case, some owners still have the ability to charge for free.

Most of the cars that are eligible for this are among the first Tesla customers. So, if you purchase a new Tesla, you will definitely not be able to charge it for free. We learned how long does it take to charge a Tesla, now let’s conclude this article.

Facts: How Long Does It Take to Charge a Tesla?

  • Understanding different charging levels is key to determining how long it takes to charge a Tesla.
  • Level 1 charging using a standard wall socket is the slowest charging method, taking days to fully charge a Tesla.
  • Level 2 chargers are the most common type found at third-party public charging stations and can fully charge a Tesla in hours.
  • Tesla recommends installing a Level 2 charger at home for faster charging.
  • Tesla Superchargers are Level 3 chargers that can recharge up to 200 miles of range in just 15 minutes, depending on the rate of charge.
  • Currently, Tesla Superchargers have DC charging speeds ranging from 90 kW to 250 kW.
  • Tesla has plans to increase DC fast charging speeds upwards to 300 kW.
  • Tesla has a built-in trip planner to automatically route drivers through Superchargers on the way to their destination.
  • Superchargers are not recommended for daily charging due to their massive direct current.
  • Tesla recommends Level 2 charging at home whenever possible.

Conclusion On How Long Does It Take To Charge A Tesla

In this article, we have covered quite a bit when it comes to the question of how long does it take to charge a Tesla.

First, we learned what is a Tesla and its models. We also covered the types of batteries that Tesla is using on their vehicles and their different sizes.

Then we covered more about EV charging. We learned, the three levels of charging, and after that, we learned how long does it take to charge a Tesla and at what cost is this possible.

F.A.Qs On How Long Does It Take To Charge A Tesla

Now let’s answer some frequently asked questions.

What Is A Tesla Supercharger

A Tesla supercharger is a charging station that is built by Tesla motors for owners to charge their cars. This is a whole network of stations that is expanding across the country day by day. The number of chargers is growing in order to make EVs more convenient. These charging stations are a lot faster in comparison to a regular wall charger by a big margin.

How Long Does It Take To Full Charge A Tesla

You can charge a Tesla from 20 to 80% on a supercharger in about 30 minutes. But in order to charge it to 100%, it can take a bit longer since charging above 80% takes a good amount of time more than reaching 80%.

How Far Can A Tesla Go On One Charge

This really depends on how kWh the battery of your Tesla has. The lowest range Model 3 will take you about 225 miles on a single charge. While the long-range model will take you more than 350 miles on a single charge.

Is Tesla Charging Free

No, charging your Tesla is not free. You will have to pay about $0.30 per single kWh. So, if you have a battery that has 100 kWh, you will have to pay about $30 in total to get a full charge.

How Much To Charge A Tesla

On average, a single kWh costs about $0.30. So, if you have a 100 kWh battery, you will pay about $30 in total. So, you can calculate the costs based on this example, if, for example, you have a smaller type of battery.

How Long Does It Take To Charge A Car Battery

This really depends on what type of charging you are using. There is Level 1 which is the slowest where you plug your car into a wall connector and this could take 5 to 7 days to charge. Level 2 wall connector is faster and it could charge the battery in 12 hours. Level 3 DC charging will charge your battery in about 40 minutes to an hour to 100%.

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