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How Long To Jump A Car: Make Do With A Couple Of Minutes?

by Jordan Harris
How To Jump A Starter

The most frustrating thing to a car owner is the battery dying unexpectedly. You must boost and jumpstart your battery if you want to go on that drive. How long to jump a car, what equipment do you need, and what’s the process behind it all?

Knowing how long to jump a car will decide when you will be done with the battery-boosting process. The entire process will be completed within five minutes. When you are done, wait for 120 seconds for the power to flow through the vehicle, then start your car, but don’t take off until after another 120 seconds. This will give the battery time to charge up. 

Once you are done with the whole process, try to drive and park, then try to restart your car again. If it won’t start, it means the issue is more severe than you think.

How To Jump Start A Car

Jump-starting a car involves specific steps, from finding the battery to opening it and connecting the cable correctly. Also, you will need another car with a perfectly functioning battery and cables. Below are the steps to follow;

How Long To Jump A Car

How Long To Jump A Car, Step-By-Step: #1. Park Both Cars In A Safe And Level Spot

Park your car and the other car that runs well close to each other, and trigger the parking brake of both cars to ensure that either of the vehicles won’t begin to move during the process.

How Long To Jump A Car, Step-By-Step: #2. Locate The Battery

Now, you will need to open the hood and find the battery; some manufacturers locate the battery in a hidden place, while the battery is the first thing you see in some cars. If you can’t find the battery, check the user manual; once you locate it, clean or brush off any debris or corrosion around the nodes.

How Long To Jump A Car, Step-By-Step: #3. Connect

This process requires precision, and you must be careful to do it correctly to avoid electric shock. The dead battery comes first; connect the positive cable (red), stretch the cable to the other car, and connect the other red cable. Attach the negative cable to the second car, get the second negative cable and attach it to the dead battery.

How Long To Jump A Car, Step-By-Step: #4. Start The Cars

Once you’re done with the connection, check again to confirm if you’ve done it correctly. Wrong connections will lead to sparks and electric shocks. Start the good car that’s working fine, and let it run for about 2 minutes. Then start the vehicle with the dead battery, and let it run for a few minutes before disconnecting.

How Long To Jump A Car, Step-By-Step: #5. Disconnect The Cables

If both cars start and run well after the connection, it’s time to disconnect the cables. Disconnect the negative cables first before the positives. Once done, you can drive your car and continue your trip.

How To Use Jumper Cables

No matter how new or old your car is, you must have a functioning set of jumper cables. Then you need to learn how to use it whenever the need arises. If you are planning to get a new jumper cable, make sure it is 4 to 6 gauge and must be 6 meters long (20 feet). When you have an extra long cable, it makes it easy to connect the batteries of two cars.

How Long To Jump A Car

Also, ensure the cables are thick and have heavy clamps; thick cables last longer. When it is time to jump-start your car, the way you connect the cables will determine whether you’ll be able to properly charge the dead battery. First, ensure the red and black clamps don’t touch to avoid shock and explosion. Also, ensure the cables don’t touch while you set up, especially if the clamp is attached to a functioning battery.

If the clamps are hot, ensure they don’t touch each other, to avoid one or the two cars shorting out and creating sparks and electrical shocks. Misusing the cables is dangerous; below is a guide on how to use them correctly. Therefore, make sure you understand how to connect jumper cables.

Steps To Follow

  1. Park both cars close to each other (the one with a good battery and the one with a dead battery.
  2. Pop up the hood of the two cars and locate the batteries.
  3. Find the negative and positive posts; the positive pole is always red but not. To be sure, look for the plus sign to locate the positive post. Locate the negative post, too, mostly black but not always; the minus sign will give you more clarity.
  4.  Bring out the jumper cables and attach the first clamp to the positive (+) post of the battery you want to jump; make sure the clamp is well connected. Connect the matching end of the same cable to the positive post on the working/good battery.
  5. Pick the other clamp and connect it to the battery’s negative (-) post working well. Do not connect the other cable to the negative pole of the dead battery; instead, connect it to a metal surface around the dead car’s engine, probably a bolt or screw.

This connection will make sure there is enough grounding for the jump-starting process.

Once you are done with connections, start the car with a good battery first, and leave it for a few minutes. Then start the vehicle with the dead battery, and leave it for a few minutes. Once the car with the dead battery starts without stuttering, you can disconnect the clamps from the battery. Remove the negative (black) clamps first, then the positive.

How Long To Let The Car Run After Jumping It

As a car owner, you must learn repair or replacement skills to avoid being stranded when your car’s battery goes off. Experts advise letting your car run for about 30 minutes before driving it. This is approximately the expected time to charge a low-car battery.

Also, you need a vehicle emergency kit with an affordable jump box to sort any battery issues out wherever you are. Starting a dead battery is not very simple or fun; get every tool in place if it happens again.

How The Battery Receives A Charge From The Car

The battery gets charged through the alternator attached to the engine’s crankshaft with a belt. Once the belt turns, it triggers the magnets inside the alternator to work and provide the required charge. Once the alternator produces the required charge, current then flows through every part of your car that needs electricity to function.

You need to start your engine for the belt to turn and trigger the magnets inside the alternator to charge.

Does A Car Charge A Battery While Idling

Your car battery needs to hold current every time. So, if your battery is working correctly, it will still keep charging while idling. Also, the crankshaft must operate on the alternator to charge. However, the battery will stop losing its charge if you don’t use your car or perform any mechanical activity for about two weeks.

If you want your car to start any time you wish to, do not leave it idle for a long time. Always drive around at least 15-20 minutes per week. By doing this, the alternator will produce current perfectly, the battery will maintain its charge, and the engine will be in its best condition.

Reasons To Rev Car Engine

If your car’s battery is low and you need it to charge faster, rev the engine. Revving works better when the battery is low; otherwise, it’s unnecessary. Most car alternators have the required amperage for the battery to charge while idling. If your battery is low, revving will provide additional power and amperage so the battery will charge faster.

Signs That Your Battery Needs A Replacement

If your car engine takes some seconds before it starts, it’s a clear sign that you need to replace your battery. Experts have advised that if that battery is more than three years old or you have used it for more than 50,000 miles of driving, it’s time to change it. Other signs include;

1. Low Or Unsteady Headlights

Whenever your car’s headlight is dimmer than it used to be, it indicates that your battery is losing much power and it’s time for a replacement.

2. Foul Smell In Your Car

The foul smell is coming from the sulfuric acid in your car battery. It means there is a leak in your battery, and it’s time to replace it. Factors that cause leaking include overcharging, especially if you charge outside the car.

3. Slow Engine Start

When it takes your engine longer to start or doesn’t start, it’s a sign that you need to replace the battery. If you are using a car with a manual transmission (to learn more, check out our guide on what’s inside of a manual transmission), you can apply the push-start method. Meanwhile, this method does not work for automatic transmission.

4. An Inflated Battery Box

When the cell of your battery is damaged, it will inflate the battery case. An inflated battery case can damage the cables and connectors, preventing current flow. All these signs require that you change the battery.

5. Check Engine Light

An error code or warning light will pop up on your dashboard whenever something is wrong with the battery. If the light comes up and you begin to hear a clicking sound, it’s time to replace your battery.

6. Rust On The Cables Or Connectors

As time goes on, the cables and connectors that connect your battery to every part of the car can begin to rust. As the rust becomes too much, it will affect how current flows from the battery to the vehicle, causing a slow start or the car not starting. This is an indication that you need to replace your vehicle.

7. Safety Tips When You Want To Jump Start A Car

  • Park the two cars in a safe and cool spot to allow the battery to charge at the best temperature.
  • Turn off the engine of both cars.
  • If your car battery is cold or frozen, leave it till it gets warm before you begin to charge it.
  • Make sure the battery has the required water level before you jump-start it. Add distilled water to low-battery water.
  • You need protective gear such as goggles, a face mask, and gloves. The acid in the battery is harmful to your skin.

How To Keep Your Battery Healthy

  • Keeping your battery healthy will prevent it from running low on power, and we prevent issues like a slow start. How do you keep the battery healthy?
  • Make sure you drive your car for at least 15 minutes per week. Your car battery will be recharged anytime you drive, but if you leave the car idle for too long, the battery will discharge and be unable to start your vehicle.
  • If you have used your battery for more than 36 months, you should consider changing it. Typically, a battery should last between 3-6 years, but if you always jump-start your car, it will reduce its lifespan.
  • Clean and brush off the terminals regularly to avoid rust and corrosion. When your battery is healthy, you will not need to jump-start, and it will increase its lifespan.
  • Monitor your battery whenever you are charging it to prevent it from overcharging. Overcharging reduces the lifespan of your battery.
  • Contact the nearest mechanic if your battery suddenly shuts down while on the road. Do not try to jump-start a damaged car on your own; it can lead to a severe explosion.

FAQs On How Long To Jump A Car

How To Jump A Car

Park both cars, so the batteries are not far from each other, turn on the hand brake, and switch off the ignition. Open the hood, locate the batteries and ensure the cables don’t touch each other. Attach the red clamp to the dead battery’s positive terminal, and attach the second red clamp to the positive terminal of the good battery. Attach the black clamp to the positive terminal of the good battery, and attach the second black clamp to a metal surface on the car with the dead battery. Once you are done, start the vehicle with the good battery first, then the dead car. Remove the cables, start with the negative, then the positive. Start the revived car and let it run for some minutes.

How To Use Jumper Cables

Park the two cars close to each other, and locate the batteries and terminals. Bring out your jumper cables and attach one of the red clamps to the battery’s positive terminal that’s not working. Take the second red clamp and connect it to the positive terminal of the good battery. Attach one black clamp to the negative terminal of the working battery and attach the second black clamp to a metal surface on the engine of the car that’s not working. When the revived car starts, remove the cable by detaching the negative clamps first, then the positive.

How To Charge A Car Battery

To charge your car battery, make sure you have the right tools and locate the battery first. Now be sure the car charger is off, and attach the positive cable on the charger to the battery’s positive pole. Attach the negative cable on the charger to the negative pole of the battery. Check the charger and ensure it’s in the slowest changing level; now, switch on the charger and set the timer. When it’s fully charged, turn off the charger before disconnecting it from the battery.

How Long Does It Take To Charge A Car Battery

The time it will take your battery to fully charge depends on the charge rate, the current-voltage of your battery, and the capacity of your battery. A battery with 400-500 cold-cranking amps and below 11.85 voltage, charged on a 5-amp charge rate, will take about 12 hours to charge fully. The same battery will fully charge in 6 hours if it’s on ten amps charge rate. Once the open circuit voltage of your battery is low, it will take longer to charge fully.

How To Hook Up Jumper Cables

Jumper cable is the saving grace whenever your car won’t start. Hooking up jumper cables requires two vehicles. Open the hoods of the cars and then locate the batteries. Attach the black and red clamp to the working car’s battery, and do the same to the dead vehicle, except that the black clamp will be attached to a metal surface.  Start the revived car and disconnect the cables from the two vehicles.

Can You JumpStart A Car With A Bad Alternator

You can jumpstart a car with a bad alternator, but you need to ensure that the battery has the required power to keep running the car. However, you need to replace that alternator as soon as possible.

How To Jump A Starter

The starter is responsible for getting power from the battery to the starter motor, which triggers the engine and starts the vehicle. To jump-start, a starter, open your car hood and locate the starter solenoid; use a screwdriver to touch the metal post that connects to the starter. Here, the screwdriver will function as the manual switch to bypass the solenoid process. Release the other side of the screwdriver to come in contact with the solenoid’s shaft, then tell your assistant to start the vehicle. This will cause an electric spark, and you may be shocked if you use a metal screwdriver. Remove the screwdriver from the solenoid before it gets glued to the terminals. Your car should start working at this point; if not, go through the process again.

How Long To Charge Car Battery

It will take around 10-24 hours to fully charge a standard car battery with a charge amp of 4-8 amperes. Note that charging your car battery slowly will increase the life expectancy instead of fast charging.

Is Red Or Black Positive

Color is one of the quickest ways to locate the terminals on your cable. The red pole is positive, while the black is negative. The positive red cable should never touch the negative pole of the dead battery.

How To Jump Start A Car By Yourself

You will need a set of jumper cables and two cars to jump-start a car yourself. Park your car, turn off the ignition, and pull the handbrakes. Attach one of the red clamps to the positive terminal of your car battery, then connect the second red clamp to the positive terminal of the second car battery. Attach one of the black clamps to the negative pole of the second car battery, then attach the second black clamp to a metal surface with no painting. Make sure it’s not close to the battery. Start the second car, and leave it to run for 15 minutes before you start your vehicle. If your car starts, drive it for about 20 minutes so the battery can recharge. If the vehicle doesn’t start, get a professional to help you look into it.

How Long Does It Take To Jump A Car

To jump a car will take up to 5 minutes under normal circumstances, but if the issue is severe, you can spend up to thirty minutes. The reason is that you will need to drive the car around for about 20 minutes when you are done with the jump-starting process.

How Much Are Jumper Cables

Jumper cables should cost between $1500 to $1900. However, the price depends on the brand, model, whether it’s heavy-duty, and where you purchase them from.

What Color Is Positive On A Battery

The red color indicates a positive terminal on a car battery.

How Long To Leave A Car Running To Charge Battery

Leaving your car engine running will recharge the battery. Run the engine for about 30 minutes, and the battery will be charged. If you are using a modern car, they are designed with BMSs that prevent the ability to charge at a lower speed. To bypass this, drive your car around at higher RPMs to charge the battery.

Where To Ground Jumper Cables

You ground jumper cables on a metal surface around the engine by connecting the second black/negative cable to a metal surface instead of the battery. This is to avoid electric shock and possible explosion.

How Long Can You Drive With Battery Light On

Once the battery light comes on, you only have an hour to drive more before the electrical system, and other accessories in your car begin to fail. Once the light comes on, pull over and charge your battery before it shuts down itself.

Conclusion On How Long To Jump A Car

Knowing how long to jump and how to jump a car effectively is very important for all car owners. This article will guide you through every necessary step.

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