Home Automotive AdviceMarket Advice & Buyer's Guides Is Husqvarna A Good Brand – Are These The Best Lawn Movers?

Is Husqvarna A Good Brand – Are These The Best Lawn Movers?

by Jordan Harris
Is Husqvarna A Good Brand

Are you planning on purchasing a lawn mover to move your lawn and you are asking yourself if is Husqvarna a good brand? Well, if that is the case, then you are at the right place because there will be a lot to cover on this topic and we will elaborate on everything you need to know when it comes to Husqvarna.

Performing good research before you decide to spend a lot of money is a good thing. Especially when it comes to something like a car, a truck, or even a lawn mover. Lawn movers also are not that cheap after all. So, learning about a certain brand can be a good thing in order to avoid getting yourself something bad that doesn’t work.

And honestly, the market is full of cheap lawn movers that break down quite often and do not do the job very well. A good lawn mover should be really durable and very reliable if you are asking me. It should easily serve you for many years to come and you should not worry about replacing it. And when it comes to this, we will try to help you out.

First, w are going to elaborate on what is a lawn mover and then we will cover the types of lawn movers that are out there. After that, we will focus solely on Husqvarna and we will learn if is Husqvarna a good brand and also we will take a look at their products. So, if you want to learn more about Husqvarna, follow along.

What Is A Lawn Mover?

Now before we dive into more complex topics. Let’s first take a look at what is lawn mover in general. Knowing this will be a really good help for beginners who are new to lawn moving and want to learn the core concepts of this device. If you want you can jump right on the different types of lawn movers or at the chapter of this is Husqvarna a good brand. So, if you want to learn more, follow along.

So, what is a lawn mover? Well, people for ages were trying to create inventions for maintaining grass surfaces.

In the beginning, there were reapers who were reaping the grass. This method of cutting the grass was present for centuries. But as the technology advanced, more practical solutions were invented for the maintenance of large grass surfaces.

Is Husqvarna A Good Brand

The first practical lawn mover was invented by Edwin Beard Budding in 1830. He was a British man who wanted to create something to cut the grass in gardens and also on sports grounds like soccer fields.

The first machine that he invented was able to cut grass by pushing it. This means that there was no energy source except the force of the person who was pushing it. And this was able to be done by the gear wheels that were mounted on both ends. The rotation of these wheels allowed the knives who were cutting the grass to move and cut the grass.

And overall, this machine is not very different from modern types of lawn movers. Soon after this invention, a lot more inventions followed as well as a lot more commercial products that were sold out there. But is Husqvarna a good brand? More on that we are going to cover in a bit.

Types Of Lawn Movers

Now let’s cover another interesting topic and that is the types of lawn movers. Knowing the types will be really useful for you when it comes to learning if Husqvarna is a good brand and whether or not their lawn movers fit your bill.

Before we start, it is useful to know that there are types and also subtypes. So, it can get a little bit confusing. We will try to dissect this topic the best that we can and deliver you the answer that you deserve. So, let’s dig in.

1. Ride On Lawn Movers

Now before we start learning if is Husqvarna a good brand, let’s discuss the first type of lawn movers. This is probably the type of mower you want since you want to learn about the lawn movers produced by Husqvarna. And the first type of lawn mover that we would discuss in this article is the ride-on lawn mover type.

As the name implies, these lawn movers are ride on. This means that these movers are really large and are intended to tackle a big surface.

So, if you have a big yard, this type of lawn mover will be the right one for you. With this grass cutter, not only that your lawn will look amazing. But lawn moving will also be a true pleasure because of the ease of use.

Since these lawn movers are pretty big, they implement four wheels and also a seat for the driver, and steering wheels or handles for maneuvering the lawn mover.

On top of that, they include an internal combustion engine. This internal combustion engine in most cases is a V-twin engine that delivers a ton of torque, which is really essential when it comes to this heavy-duty application. On average, these engines produce between 18hp and 25hp. Which is plenty for lawn moving. But is Husqvarna a good brand? More on that we are going to cover in a bit.

What is an important thing to know about these ride-on lawn movers is that there are a few subtypes. The most common type you will see is the lawn tractor. The lawn tractor is basically a mini tractor with a lawn mover underneath.

The second type is the zero turn mover which is steered with handlebars. And the last type is the rear engine riding mover.

2. Walk Lawn Movers

The second type of lawn movers is the walk lawn movers. And you are probably familiar with these types of lawn movers. But is Husqvarna a good brand? Well, more on that we are going to cover in a bit.

What is important for you to know is that these types of lawn movers are really good when it comes to maintaining small to medium types of lawns. We would not recommend you something like this unless you want to spend the whole day lawn moving on 100 degrees. These applications are only good for smaller lawns. Remember that.

The first type of mover from this category that we are going to cover is the push mover. Push mowers are a type of movers that you are manually pushing forward. These movers can be the most basic based on the principle of using manual force to activate the blades and cut the grass.

They can also be electric or gas powered, relying on electric power on gasoline (for more insight, check out our guide on what color is gasoline). But still, you will have to push them forward in order for them to cut the grass. And frankly, this can be a real pain to deal with.

This is why there is another subtype of a walk lawn mover and that is the self-propelled mover. These lawn movers have a transmission that propels them forward so you don’t have to. These lawn movers are perfect if you have a medium-sized lawn.

What is worth noting is that these lawn movers come with a drive type. There’s front-wheel drive, rear-wheel drive, and all-wheel drive types. But is Husqvarna a good brand? More on that we will cover in a bit.

What Is Husqvarna

Now before we learn if is Husqvarna a good brand. Let’s first take a look at what is Husqvarna in general and try to understand more about the basics and what is this company all about.

Husqvarna Group is a Swedish company that has a long lineage. More precisely more than 333 years. It was founded in 1689 and has headquarters in Stockholm, as well as in Huskvarna from where this company originates.

This company is one of the oldest companies in the whole world. But what Husqvarna is all about? Well, Husqvarna is a company that specializes in producing outdoor power products.

Is Husqvarna A Good Brand

These products include chainsaws, trimmers, cultivators, and garden tractors, as well as the main focus of our article, which is lawn movers.

But this hasn’t been this way. In the past, they also produced weapons, motorcycles, and even sewing machines.

Currently, they employ about 14,000 people. Which is quite respectable for a company of this magnitude. But is Husqvarna a good brand? Well, more on that we are going to cover in the following chapter where we are going to discuss whether or not Husqvarna is the right option for you.

Is Husqvarna A Good Brand

When you are trying to get a new lawn mover, trying to find out which are the best lawn mover brands, should be one of your top priorities. You just don’t want to rely on only one brand.

You need to get the best deal possible for your money because some companies offer more for your specific budget than others. So, before trying to purchase something, you need to lay out all the options and see which performs best.

Now let’s presume that you already did this research and you are determined to get one of the Husqvarna products. And you ask yourself is Husqvarna a good brand?

The answer to this question is, yes. They are a relatively good brand because if they weren’t, they wouldn’t be here with us after 330+ years.

They are definitely one of the best brands when it comes to outdoor equipment such as lawn movers and chain saws. In fact, they have one of the biggest lineups of models that you will find out there.

Their lineup of models includes walk-behind lawn movers, robotic lawn mowers, and lawn tractors. Their lawn tractors are probably the products that get the most attention out of the bunch if you are asking me.

And their products keep getting more and more refined. Husqvarna is implementing cutting-edge technology when it comes to their lawn movers and we can say that they are not one of the cheapest that you can get. Durability and extra features cost.

So, when it comes to Husqvarna, you better be prepared to pay the premium if you want to use their products. But what lawn movers are the most popular when it comes to Husqvarna? Let’s elaborate more on that next.

Husqvarna Lawn Mover

Now since we learned the answer to the question of is Husqvarna a good brand, we can move on and discuss more about the models that this producer offers on the market.

We will focus primarily on three different categories. The first will be the walk lawn movers or Husqvarna push mover as some people would call it. The other two types will be the Husqvarna lawn tractor and the Husqvarna riding mover. So, if you want to learn more about Husqvarna and its products, please follow along.

Husqvarna Push Mover

Now since we learned is Husqvarna a good brand, let’s begin with the push movers. The push lawn movers as you probably are aware are the ones that we push when we move the lawn. What is worth noting is that Husqvarna in this category has two options. The W520 and the W520i.

Is Husqvarna A Good Brand, Push Mower Option #1: Husqvarna W520

So, we covered if is Husqvarna a good brand. Now let’s take a look at their first product, the Husqvarna W520. This model is an all-aluminum chassis push mover. Since it is made out of aluminum, it is really light and easy to push forward. Unlike the old steel lawn movers that are built like tanks.

The chassis is really durable and able to withstand a lot of stress. There are aluminum wheels with rubber tires as well.

The engine of this lawn mover is the Kawasaki FJ180. A really popular engine when it comes to these applications that implement an overhead valve design and internally vented carburetor and also a dual element air cleaner.

This lawn mover also has a transmission that allows the lawn mover to move by itself. Which is very useful.

The handlebars are really ergonomic and they can fold in order to allow you to store them in tight places. But is Husqvarna a good brand? Well, yes it is. So, how much for this lawn mover? The prices for this lawn mover start at $1,299.

Is Husqvarna A Good Brand, Push Mower Option #2: Husqvarna W520i

We learned if is Husqvarna a good brand, now let’s take a look at what is the W520i. This model is simply the electric version of the W520.

This lawn mover basically has the same dimensions and visuals that the 520 has. And also it performs quite similarly. The main difference is that this lawn mover is driven by an electric motor.

What is good with this type of lawn mover is that you can also get some extra battery packs if you want more range. Even though, we would not recommend this type of lawn mover if you have large grass surfaces that require a lot of time. The price for this lawn mover is pretty much the same $1,299. But if you add on the options with extra battery packs, it could increase significantly.

Husqvarna Riding Mover

Now since we covered the question of whether is Husqvarna a good brand. We can now move on to another category. And that is the riding mover. Also known as zero-turn lawn mover.

Is Husqvarna A Good Brand, Riding Mower Option #1: Husqvarna Z254

These zero-turn lawn movers are pretty much perfect if you don’t want to get yourself a lawn tractor. They are easily controlled with two handlebars and are very fun to drive.

In this category, we would be happy to recommend you the Husqvarna Z254 model. This is one of the most affordable models that Husqvarna offers in this category. And if you have a big lawn, this model will be perfect for you. Also, it has really good reviews from customers on the official website.

This model is also powered by a V-twin engine with two spark plugs that are producing 24hp and on top of that, it has a maintenance-free transmission. This means that you will never have to worry about it.

And in our opinion the lawn tractors that we are going to cover later are good. But what is better is to have a dedicated lawn mover that can do a lot more and will save a ton more time. So, if you want something like this, this model can be for you for about $3,299.

Husqvarna Lawn Tractor

So, we covered if is Husqvarna a good brand. Now let’s get to business and cover some of the bigger and better options that are designed for people who have big lawns. And for big lawns, you need some bigger toys. And here the lawn tractors come into play. We will cover two of these Husqvarna garden tractor models. One on the low end and one on the higher end in the price range.

Is Husqvarna A Good Brand, Lawn Tractor Option #1: Husqvarna YTH22V48

The first model that we are going to cover when it comes to lawn tractors is the YTH22V48 model. So, why this specific model? Well, because it is one of the best in its class. And also it is really affordable. On the official website, this model has 4.1 stars and 833 reviews overall. And frankly, this tells a lot about it.

This model’s build quality is really premium and very comfy to use on a day-to-day basis. The engine used in this tractor is a V-Twin design that is extra torquey and produces a ton of power. More precisely about 24hp. Which is plenty for this application.

What is also really good is that with this tractor you can get a ton of other accessories as well. And on top of that, you get this tractor for a really good deal. The MSRP for this tractor is $2,790. And it is really worth it for this price.

Is Husqvarna A Good Brand, Lawn Tractor Option #2: Husqvarna TS 354XD

Now since we learned is Husqvarna a good brand, we can move on up the ladder and discuss some more expensive toys. And it can’t be better than the Husqvarna TS 354XD model.

This tractor is all about heavy-duty use and is also pretty luxurious with a deluxe steering wheel, gauges, cruise control, LED headlights, and a nice seat.

This model has a heavy-duty frame as well as a cast iron front axle that provides superior performance in comparison to other models in this class. And on top of that, you even get an electronic locking rear differential. So, don’t expect to get stuck with this model.

The powerplant of this model is the Kawasaki V-Twin engine that delivers excellent performance and it is also extremely quiet. The power output of this engine is 24hp. But what is the price of this experience? Well, it is rather expensive. The MSRP for this model is $4,899.

Husqvarna Lawn Mowers: Facts You Need to Know

  • Husqvarna is one of the best lawn mower brands in the market.
  • Husqvarna lawn mowers are known for their durability and reliability.
  • Consumer Reports recognized Husqvarna as one of the most reliable lawn mower brands and gave it a Very Good predicted reliability rating.
  • Husqvarna lawn mowers are outfitted with features such as pedal-operated speed and direction control and ergonomic seating.
  • The only downside to Husqvarna lawn mowers is that they typically come with a premium price tag.
  • Consumer Reports recommends Husqvarna models such as the Husqvarna TS 354X and the Husqvarna TS 254XG.
  • Husqvarna lawn mowers are manufactured in the United States at Husqvarna Consumer Outdoor Products factories in Orangeburg, South Carolina and McRae, Georgia.
  • Husqvarna was first established in Sweden and originally got its start manufacturing musket pipes.
  • Husqvarna also manufactures chain saws, hedge trimmers, snowblowers, and more.
  • When choosing the best lawn mower for your yard, consider that Husqvarna is one of the best lawn mower brands in the market known for their durability and reliability.

Conclusion To Is Husqvarna A Good Brand

In this article, we have covered quite a bit when it comes to lawn movers. First, we covered what a lawn mover is, and then we learned the different types of lawn movers that exist out there. And frankly, there are plenty of types and subtypes to choose from.

Then, we learned more about the Husqvarna brand and learned if is Husqvarna a good brand. Then we covered products manufactured by them in three separate categories.

F.A.Qs To Is Husqvarna A Good Brand

Now let’s answer some frequently asked questions.

Who Makes Husqvarna

Husqvarna is making its own products. They are a Swedish company with a long lineage that takes its root back in the 17th century. Nowadays they produce chain saws, lawn movers, and other equipment.

Where Is Husqvarna Made

They have factories globally. So, for the US market, they have a factory in the US and for Europe, they have factories in Sweden, Germany, and France. It really depends much on the product. Since some products are domestic while some are imported.

Are Husqvarna Movers Good

Yes, they are pretty good. But also pretty expensive in comparison to other lawn mover brands. But if you plan to purchase a lawn mover as an investment and plan to keep it forever, then they are definitely worth it.

Who Sells Husqvarna

You can buy their products directly from their website. You just select the button “Find a Dealer” on the product and the website will instantly connect you to the nearest dealer for your area.

When Is The Best Time To Buy Lawn Movers

The best time is to purchase them off-season. Off-season prices are far cheaper. So, if you purchase one in the fall or winter should be cheaper than purchasing it when a lot of people are buying these lawn movers.

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